Along Via del Corso and in Piazza Il Terreno are the noble palaces of the noble families of Corinaldesi. Over the centuries, these residences have undergone continual renovation and embellishment, so much so that they often constitute true architectural treasures.
...From 1400 onwards, all the noble families of Corinaldo built sumptuous residences, for family needs but also to demonstrate their prestige. Over the centuries, these residences have undergone continual renovation and embellishment, so much so that they often constitute true architectural treasures.
Renaissance are the Palazzo Amati in Via del Corso, the first Palazzo Orlandi in Via del Velluto, the sixteenth-century loggia inside Palazzo Cesarini Romaldi. Their maximum expression is reached in the eighteenth century, when they are renovated according to new housing needs. The Palazzo Fata Ottaviani in Piazza il Terreno, Palazzo Palma Marangoni in Via del Corso, Palazzo Sandreani in Via S. Maria Goretti are worth mentioning.