Traditional dessert prepared on the occasion of Father’s Day and in honor of Saint Joseph, husband of the Virgin Mary and protector of workers.
Traditional dessert prepared on the occasion of Father’s Day and in honor of Saint Joseph, husband of the Virgin Mary and protector of workers.
Dosi per circa 12 Frittelle:
• 8 g di lievito di Birra fresco
traditional lard or peanut oil
In a bowl pour the flour and salt, gradually add the water in which the yeast has been dissolved.
Knead to a smooth, homogeneous mass.
Wrap ball, place in an oiled bowl and covered with food film and wait for doubling.
Leavening times are affected by ambient temperature, humidity, type of flours used and amount of yeast.
Once doubling has been achieved turn the dough over on a floured board and break it into 12 pieces, without machining the mass.
Roll out with rolling pin; if you want a soft pancake spread to a thickness of about ½ cm, if you prefer a crunchy pancake roll out thinly.
Fry in plenty of oil or lard at a temperature between 165
When removed from the oil, sprinkle with granulated sugar.