Calcion is a kind of raviolone or stuffed calzone whose shape resembles that of an active volcano, where lava is ideally represented by the full-bodied filling that comes out.
Ingredients for the dough sheet: 7 eggs, wheat flour needed to knead the eggs, 100 g of sugar, 50 g of melted lard, juice of 1 lemon
Ingredients for the filling: 1 k grated pecorino cheese (half fresh and half aged), 400 g of sugar, 8 fresh eggs, juice of 4 lemons
Preparation: in a bowl combine all the ingredients for the dough and leave them to macerate covered for 24 hours. Roll out a pastry not very fine and with the edge of a glass cut out discs. With the filling form balls as big as a walnut and put them in the center of each disc. Cover each ball by folding the dough on itself. Brush the swollen surface with egg yolk and with scissors make a cross cut at the central top. Finally, place the creations in a pan and bake in a hot oven.