Brodetto di pesce
Our itinerary among the “first courses” that can be tasted in the Val Mivola begins with fish soup, the main dish of the maritime tradition of Senigallia.
Fish broth is a tasty fish soup from the Adriatic Sea.
It is a dish of our tradition handed down orally whose composition varies from port to port. The Senigallic version is one of the tastiest.
The real “portolotti” recipe involves the use of 13 different types of fish slowly cooked in a sautéed onion, tomato and vinegar.
Senigallia also has a fishing port and a fish market, where you can buy fish from the early morning.
Originally the latter was located inside the Forum Annonario.
The species fished in the local waters are the shrimp, mullets, moorhens, sole and pink shrimp, which accompany the other species caught in the neighbouring Ancona and Portonovo.