immagine Mura e Baluardo del Portone


Mura e Baluardo del Portone

The walls that look out upon the river, the bastion called Posta, the tract of walls contained between the theater and the same bastion were built in the second mid of the eighteenth century after the enlargement of the city to west, in the area of “Garden of Maddalena”. This requested the straighten of the river Misa’s bed which at that time it made a bend behind the Church of Maddalena. 

The deletion of the bend had to do necessary both to have an building area and to maximize the yield of the canal-port through an improvement of the outflow: the width of the river encouraged, in fact, the dispersion of the water preventing the boats to get back to a minimum tract to allowed the total navigability of the river. 

In the 1759 the architect Sante Vichi from Fano suggested, through the excavation of the new bed and the burial of the old tract, a change of the bend bringing the river run in sticking with the city’s wall. 



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