Secoli XIX-XX
The Church of Santa Maria di Piazza, rebuilt in neo-Gothic style at the beginning of the ‘900 on a project by the bolognese Giovanni Gualandi, preserves a seventeenth-century painting attributable to Girolamo Cialdieri and a precious organ, work of Gaetano Callido, one of the most famous “organari” of the XVIII century
...‘ It ‘the main church of the historic center for size and visual impact: former seat of a Benedictine abbey, has been, after the foundation in 1444, twice fully rebuilt; the current layout is that derived from the last remaking completed in the early ‘900, on a project of Giovanni Gualandi from Bologna. In neo-Gothic style except for the facade, which is predominantly Romanesque and shows some remains of previous buildings, dominates the historic center with its monumental complex. From the dome and the bell tower, which constitute a set of singular grandeur, you can enjoy splendid views from the Adriatic to the Apennines. The interior of the church houses some valuable works, including a precious eighteenth-century paliotto in scagliola depicting the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary and a Madonna with child, San Giovanni Battista and Sant’Antonio Abate attributed to Claudio Ridolfi, but more likely than his student Cialdieri. The organ is also very valuable, thanks to one of the most famous “organaries” of the 18th century, Gaetano Callido.