Hundreds and hundreds of fans meet every year in Senigallia for Caterpillar, the famous cult program of Italian channel Radio2 in a not to be missed live appointment: CaterRaduno!
A week full of information, civil battles and biting humour with concerts, guests, live radio shows, entertainment and fun on the Velvet Beach.
...CaterRaduno is the long-awaited fan rally of Caterpillar, the cult program of Radio 2 Italian station. The "marriage" between Senigallia and the show of historical anchormen Massimo Cirri and Filippo Solibello has been successfully celebrated for over 10 years now.
It is a fortunate mix of shows and concerts with great Italian musicians and artists. Every summer, fans from all over Italy enjoy the fun delivered by the wit and the inspiration of the radio anchormen/women and their guests.
The reason for such a successful event in Senigallia is the light, friendly spirit of Caterpillar: one of the very few programs of the Italian show business to conjugate information, civil battles, legal rights and biting satire.
The various editions held in Senigallia have seen the participation of many national and international star guests, among them: Carmen Consoli, Samuele Bersani, Subsonica, Daniele Silvestri, Caparezza, Stefano Bollani, Max Gazzè, Malika Ayane and Anna Calvi.
Il programma della tappa di Senigallia
Venerdì 18
Ore 6.00 – Rotonda a Mare
Mario Biondi – Concerto all’alba
Ore 12.00 – Rotonda a Mare
CaterChef Il Game
Le gelaterie di Senigallia propongono il proprio gusto "CaterRaduno" dal 2006 al 2019, quale sarà l'annata vincente?
Condotto da Filippo Solibello e Marco Ardemagni
Sabato 19
Ore 18 Piazza Garibaldi
SALTO DI SPECIE – Il TALK che racconta la transizione ecologica condotto da Sara Zambotti e Saverio Raimondo con le improvvisazioni musicali di Elianto
Ore 22 – Teatro La Fenice
Hundreds and hundreds of fans meet every year in Senigallia for Caterpillar, the famous cult program of Italian channel Radio2 in a not to be missed live appointment: CaterRaduno!
A week full of information, civil battles and biting humour with concerts, guests, live radio shows, entertainment and fun on the Velvet Beach.
CaterRaduno is the long-awaited fan rally of Caterpillar, the cult program of Radio 2 Italian station. The "marriage" between Senigallia and the show of historical anchormen Massimo Cirri and Filippo Solibello has been successfully celebrated for over 10 years now.
It is a fortunate mix of shows and concerts with great Italian musicians and artists. Every summer, fans from all over Italy enjoy the fun delivered by the wit and the inspiration of the radio anchormen/women and their guests.
The reason for such a successful event in Senigallia is the light, friendly spirit of Caterpillar: one of the very few programs of the Italian show business to conjugate information, civil battles, legal rights and biting satire.
The various editions held in Senigallia have seen the participation of many national and international star guests, among them: Carmen Consoli, Samuele Bersani, Subsonica, Daniele Silvestri, Caparezza, Stefano Bollani, Max Gazzè, Malika Ayane, Anna Calvi, Irene Grandi and Francesco Gabbani.
Il programma della tappa di Senigallia
Venerdì 18
Ore 6.00 – Rotonda a Mare
Concerto all’alba
Ore 12.00 – Rotonda a Mare
CaterChef Il Game
Le gelaterie di Senigallia propongono il proprio gusto "CaterRaduno" dal 2006 al 2019, quale sarà l'annata vincente?
Condotto da Filippo Solibello e Marco Ardemagni
Sabato 19
Ore 18 Piazza Garibaldi
SALTO DI SPECIE – Il TALK che racconta la transizione ecologica condotto da Sara Zambotti e Saverio Raimondo con le improvvisazioni musicali di Elianto
Ore 22 – Teatro La Fenice
Phone numbers
ATTACHMENTS Scopri tutti gli eventi dell'estate di Senigallia
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