The Municipal Residence is located in the old building of the Convent of S. Francesco di Paola which, following the land ownership by the Kingdom of Italy in 1860, becomes property of the state that in turn gives it to the Municipality and is then transformed into a Town Hall.
...The complex, built in 1604 by the order of friars minims, by the will of Abbot Giuliano Della Rovere, is composed of the church of Crocifisso, now S. Francesco di Paola, and the convent building, now seat of the Town Hall. The church is a single nave with elevated presbytery. The facade, plastered, is marked by pilasters and two niches and windows surmounted by tympani in baroque style. The convent was crossed by two wide central corridors, the upper one led to the cells of the friars, that of the ground floor led to the entrances, kitchens, refectory, service rooms and porch overlooking the rear garden, It also had underground rooms and a cistern. Over the centuries its original structure has been profoundly reworked, both internally and externally, the church itself has been heavily restored after World War II.
Inside the church are preserved works of some artistic value, while in the municipal offices you can admire some ceilings painted by workers from the Marches in the late nineteenth century.
The construction of the convent has determined the urban development of Castelleone along the line connecting the “castle” and the new religious complex. Soon the sides of the busy street were occupied by a sequence of houses and, during the ‘700, on the eastern side was built a long loggia to benefit the many shops that were born and shelter for those who had to reach the Convent. Today the Loggiato is a characteristic element of Castelleone, Still a centre of commercial activities and meeting place for the inhabitants.