immagine Chiesa di Santa Maria Maddalena


Chiesa di Santa Maria Maddalena

Legend tells, and research confirms it, that the famous Maddalena fair was born in the 13th century, after some relics of the saint and of her brother Lazarus were brought to Senigallia by a Marseillaise princess, wife of a local gentleman. They were placed in the Lombard church of San Gregorio, which later took the name of Church of Maddalena. 

In the Middle Ages there were many cases of fairs-markets born in places where people went on pilgrimage for the relics of some saint; the same thing happened in Senigallia. The relics became such an object of veneration to recall many pilgrims, especially on the day dedicated to her, the 22nd of July. This was the origin of a fair that later became the great Maddalena Fair that took place in the second half of July. In the 15th century the relics were stolen but the church kept the name. 

The building was rebuilt by Giovanni of the Rovere in 1480 and in this famous “Temple” took place his funeral. Today’s structure dates back to a third reconstruction of 1756. Today, inside, is buried the famous senigallian mathematician Giulio Carlo Fagnani. 



in the territory of Senigallia

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